Well, quite a lot actually! If you’ve ever wondered what modern things we can attribute to the Vikings, take a look at these fun facts.


Yes, Dublin, the capital of the Republic of Ireland can be attributed to the Vikings! When they invaded Ireland, Scotland and the rest of what would become Britain, they made themselves quite at home in the region we now know as Dublin. The earliest records of Vikings being there is in around the year 841 and it was known to have been their point for slave trading across Europe. They named it Dubh Linn, which translates to Black Pool and they maintained it as a Viking post for several hundred years, in fact, it wouldn’t come under Irish ownership until 1014!


Britain might be known for its navy being an island nation now but we owe much of what we know about shipbuilding to the Vikings. They continue to be known as the greatest shipbuilders in history, their ships were faster, slimmer and lighter than others being made at the time which was why they were so successful. They invented the longboat, which allowed for more people to travel and swiftly than other boats that were in existence at the time.


Some of the words still in circulation came from the Vikings. They first landed in what is now England in around 793 and though they didn’t manage to occupy the entire island, they did continue to attack for hundreds of years leading to Old English and Old Norse becoming mixed. Words like club and berserk can be traced back to this combined language!


Yes, you read that right. Skiing itself is a Chinese invention, but it was the Vikings that made it popular across the world. The word Ski itself comes from an Old Norse word and it is said that Vikings would ski for fun, as well as a way to transport goods, much the same way that skiing is used today.

Hair products

Unlike the population of Britain at the time, the Vikings were always recorded as being very well groomed. It is said that they created combs, tweezers and razors, all of which they used to maintain their appearance.

So, now you know, the Vikings actually gave us quite a bit!




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