Visit Heritage Blog

  • Little known facts about WWII

    Little known facts about WWII

    As 8th May marks VE (or Victory in Europe) Day which marked the formal end of WWII following the unconditional surrender of the Nazis, it seemed appropriate to share some of the lesser known facts from our most talked about war.

  • 4 great heritage walks

    4 great heritage walks

    With spring here (hopefully that means better weather!) and with the next edition of the Hudson’s Guide full of the latest Tarr on the Road routes to enjoy coming soon, we thought we would share some of the UK’s best loved heritage walks.

  • The man behind the legend | Dick Turpin

    The man behind the legend | Dick Turpin

    This month marks the 285th anniversary of the end of Dick Turpin’s reign of terror, so to celebrate we thought we would take a look at the life and crimes of Britain’s most famous highwayman and some of his contemporaries.

  • Enjoy some historical fiction this year

    Enjoy some historical fiction this year

    Bibliophiles will already be aware that 23rd April is not only St George’s Day but is also Shakespeare’s birthday (and death day!). With this in mind, we thought we would take a look at some of the historical fiction coming to shelves near you this year – how many of these will be making an appearance on your TBRs?

  • World Heritage Day celebrations in Bath
    In News

    World Heritage Day celebrations in Bath

    Celebrate World Heritage Day in Bath with free walks, talks and activities for all. This year’s World Heritage Day event will take place at the Guildhall on Sunday 21 April, and will focus on Bath’s landscape setting – one of the key reasons why Bath is a World Heritage Site.

  • picture of dog

    Dog friendly heritage attractions

    Are you caught up with the adventures of the Hudsons and their dog Dinky? If you’ve been keeping up with what they’re doing this year in their quest to visit as many heritage attractions as possible, you might have noticed that their dog Dinky has been coming along on several of their days out. 

  • One a penny, two a penny, hot cross buns!

    One a penny, two a penny, hot cross buns!

    They’re one of the best loved Easter treats but where did the idea of hot cross buns come from? Did you know they were once banned? Or that it is believed that they were invented by a monk? Well, we’re here to tell you the history of hot cross buns and how to make your own this Easter.

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