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You are here: UK History > Britain at War > WWI > Timeline of WWI
28th June: Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated
5th July: Kaiser Wilhelm promises the full support of Germany in the event of Austrian action against Serbia
23rd July: Austro-Hungarian Government send an ultimatum to Serbia
24th July: German government approves Austrian ultimatum to Serbia, the British Foreign minister initiates an international conference to prevent a war and the Belgian government declare that they will be neutral, whatever the consequences.
25th July: Serbian government orders mobilisation and Austria-Hungry severs diplomatic relations with them.
26th July: Austro-Hungarian government order partial mobilisation
28th July: Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, Germany rejects British proposals for a conference and British fleet ordered to war bases.
29th...Read More
28th June: Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated
5th July: Kaiser Wilhelm promises the full support of Germany in the event of Austrian action against Serbia
23rd July: Austro-Hungarian Government send an ultimatum to Serbia
24th July: German government approves Austrian ultimatum to Serbia, the British Foreign minister initiates an international conference to prevent a war and the Belgian government declare that they will be neutral, whatever the consequences.
25th July: Serbian government orders mobilisation and Austria-Hungry severs diplomatic relations with them.
26th July: Austro-Hungarian government order partial mobilisation
28th July: Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, Germany rejects British proposals for a conference and British fleet ordered to war bases.
29th July: Russian Government order partial mobilisation against Austria but doesn’t notify the Tsar. Belgrade, Serbia is bombed.
30th July: The Tsar agrees to mobilise the Russian army and the Australian government gives the British their naval forces.
31st July: Belgian, Russian, Austro Hungarian and Turkish governments mobilise forces. London stock exchange is closed and Germany sends an ultimatum to Russia.
1st August: Germany declares war on Russia, hostilities begin on Polish front, British government order naval mobilisation and French orders General Mobilisation.
2nd August: German troops enter Luxembourg, hostilities begin on French frontier.
3rd August: Germany declares war on France, British government order general mobilisation and Italy declares neutrality.
4th August: British government declares war on Germany, Germany declares war on Belgium, Belgium severs diplomatic relations with Germany and the Battle and Siege of Liege begins. The first hostile air act takes place.
5th August: Montenegro declares war on Austria-Hungary. Minelaying begins in the open sea. Britain’s War Council meets for the first time.
6th August: Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia, Serbia declares war on Germany and Battle of the Frontiers begins in France. Field Marshal Earl Kitchener becomes Secretary of State for War and HMS Amphion sunk by a mine.
7th August: City of Liège occupied by German forces and French troops cross into Alsace.
8th August: Battle of Mulhouse takes place. Britain occupies Lome and hostilities commence in Africa.
11th August: German warships enter the Dardenelles and Mulhouse is retaken by German forces.
12th August: Great Britain and France declare war on Austria-Hungary.
14th August: Battles of Morhange and Sarrebourg begin. Proclamations issued by Russia promising Polish autonomy.
15th August: Japan issues an ultimatum to Germany and German troops enter British land in Africa.
17th August: Battle of Tser and the Jadar begins.
18th August: Battle of the Gette in the battle for Antwerp.
19th August: Mulhouse retaken by the French.
20th August: German forces occupy Brussels and Battles of Morhange and Sarrebourg end.
21st August: German forces begin attack on Namur and Battle of Charleroi begins. Battle of Tser and Hader ends.
22nd August: Austria-Hungary declares war on Belgium and Battle of the Ardennes begins.
23rd August: Battle of Mons, Battle of Tannenberg and the First Battle of Krasnik begin. Japan declares war on Germany and General Von Hindenburg takes command of the German 8th Army.
24th August: Battles of Charleroi and Ardennes ends and the British forces retreat from Mons.
25th August: Battle of the Meuse, Battle of the Malines and Battle of the Mortagne begin. German forces retake Mulhouse and take Valenciennes.
26th August: Battle of Le Cateau, Battle of Zamosc-Komarow and First Battle of Lemberg begins.
27th August: Battle of Malines ends, Lille occupied by German cavalry.
28th August: Battle of the Meuse ends.
29th August: Arras evacuated by the French, Sedan taken by the Germans and the First Battle of Guise begins.
30th August: First Battle of Guise and First Battle of Lemberg end, German forces begin their air raids on Paris and occupy Laon, La Fere and Roye.
31st August: Battle of Tannenberg ends.
1st September: Lord Kitchener visits France, while German forces take Craonne and Soissons.
2nd September: Battle of Zamosc-Komarow ends.
3rd September: Battle of the Mortagne ends. Pope Benedict XV is elected and the HMS Speedy is sunk by a mine attack in British waters.
4th September: Battle of the Grand Couronné
5th September: Battle of the Oucq begins, the first British warship is destroyed and the Battle of the Masurian Lakes begins. Germany evacuates Lille.
6th September: Battle of the Marne begins.
8th September: Austrian forces begin second invasion of Serbia, the Battle of the Drina and the Second battle of Lemberg begin.
9th September: German forces retreat from the Marne, Battle of Tarnavka ends.
10th September: Battle of the Marne ends, German and Austrian officials expelled from Egypt.
11th September: Second Battle of Lembrg ends.
12th September: Battle of the Grand Couronné ends and Battle of Aisne 1914 begins.
13th September: French retake Soissons and Amiens.
15th September: Battle of the Aisne 1914 and Battle of the Masurian Lakes end.
17th September: Battle of the Drina ends.
18th September: General von Hindenburg appointed Commander in Chief of German Armies.
19th September: First bombardment of Reims Cathedral.
22nd September: First Battle of Picardy and First Battle of Albert begin, British air raids begin on Germany.
24th September: Russian forces begin first invasion of North Hungary.
25th September: First Battle of Albert ends.
26th September: First Battle of Picardy ends.
27th September: Siege of Antwerp begins and the first Battle of Artois begins.
1st October: First Battle of the Arras begins.
3rd October: German forces occupy Ypres.
4th October: First Battle of Arras ends.
9th October: German forces enter Warsaw.
10th October: Antwerp falls to German forces and the Battle of La Bassée begins.
12th October: Battle of Messines 1914 begins, Ghent is evacuated and then occupied and Lille falls to German forces.
13th October: Battle of Armentiéres begins and Ypres recaptured by the Allied Forces retreating from Ghent.
16th October: Battle of the Yser begins.
17th October: Armentiéres recaptured by the Allies and the first British submarines enter the war.
19th October: Battle of Ypres 1914 begins and the Battle of Warsaw ends.
20th October: First merchant ship sunk by German submarines.
21st October: Battle of Langemarck 1914 begins.
24th October: Battle of Langemarck 1914 ends.
26th October: German forces begin invasion of Angola.
29th October: Battle of Gheluvelt begins and Turkey begins hostilities against Russia.
30th October: British hospital ship is wrecked off Whitby coast and Britain and France sever diplomatic relations with Turkey.
31st October: Critical day in Battle of Ypres, the British line is broken and restored and the Battle of Gheluvelt ends. British government begins hostilities against Turkey.
2nd November: Russia declares war on Turkey and the Battles of Messines, Armentiéres, La Bassée and Chyrow end. The North Sea becomes a military zone.
3rd November: First German navel raid on Britain’s coast.
5th November: Britain and France formally declare war on Turkey and the British annex Cyprus.
11th November: Battle of Nonneboschen starts.
12th November: Order issued for all British planes to bear distinguishing marks.
15th November: Battle of Krakow begins and Russia starts their second invasion of North Hungary.
16th November: Second German invasion against Warsaw and the Battle of Lodz begins.
22nd November: Battle of Ypres ends.
27th November: General von Hindenburg promoted to Field Marshal.
30th November: Battle of Lowicz-Sanniki beings and Belgrade is evacuated.
2nd December: Battle of Krakow ends.
12th December: Second Russian invasion of North Hungary ends.
14th December: Allied demonstrations on Flanders begins.
15th December: German airship sighted off British coast, the first appearance of hostile aircraft in British isles.
16th December: Scarborough and Harlepool bombarded by German battle cruisers.
18th December: Battle of Rawka-Bzura begins – the battle had no real end and developed into trench warfare.
20th December: First Battle of Champagne beings.
21st December: First German air raid on England
24th December: Second German air raid on England.
25th December: Britain launches sea plane raid on Cuxhaven
26th December: Italian forces land in Austria and Italian Foreign Legion in action for the first time on the French front.
4th January – London Stock Exchange reopens
8th January – Battle of Soissons begins
14th January – Battle of Soissons ends
19th January – First airship raid on England
30th January – British Admiralty warn British merchant vessels to fly neutral or no enigns in vicinity of British Isles.
3rd February – Action on the Suez Canal begins
4th February – Battle in Prussia begins, action on the Suez Canal ends and Turkish forces retreat into Sinai. German Government announces a submarine blockade of Britain to begin at the end of the month.
5th February – British, Russian and French governments all agree to pool their financial resources.
6th February – The Lusitania arrives in Liverpool flying US flag.
18th February – German submarine blockade of Britain begins.
26th February – Liquid fire first used by German forces on the Western Front.
1st March – British blockade of German owned African territories begins and Britain and France start prevention of trade by or with Germany.
10th March – Battle of Neuve Chapelle begins
13th March – First neutral ship sunk by a German submarine.
21st March – First German airship raid on Paris.
23rd March: First kite-balloon ship commissioned
28th March: First British passenger ship sunk by German submarine.
8th April: Deportations and massacres of Armenians by order of the Turkish government commences.
17th April: Capture of Hill 60 in Ypres
22nd April: Battle of Ypres 1915 begins, the first German gas cloud attack on the Western Front takes place. The second Battle of Ypres consisted of four battles starting with a surprise gas attack by German forces.
26th April: Secret agreement signed in London between Italian Government and the Entente for Italian cooperation.
7th May: The Lusitania is sunk by German submarines.
9th May: Allied Spring Offensive begins with the Battle of Aubers Ridge and the Second Battle of Artois begins. President
Woodrow Wilson in the US defines his policy in regard to the Lusitania sinking.
10th May: Naval convention signed between France, Britain and Italy.
15th May: Battle of Festubert begins.
19th May: Armenia taken by Russian forces.
23rd May: Italian government order Mobilisation and declare war against Austria.
24th May: Battle of Bellewaerde Ridge begins. Italian forces cross Austrian frontier and Germany severs diplomatic relations with Italy.
25th May: Battles of Ypres ends and first treaties concerning Shantung Province, South Manchuria and Inner Mongolia signed between China and Japan.
27th May: Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty resigns.
28th May: Arthur Balfour appointed First Lord of the Admirality
31st May: First German airship raid on London area.
3rd June: San Marino declares war on Austria-Hungary
2nd July: Munitions of War Act becomes law in Britain and Ministry of Munitions formed.
15th July: National Registration Act becomes law in Great Britain.
17th July: Treaty of Alliance signed at Sofia between Austria-Hungary, Germany and Turkey. Albania to be ceded to Bulgaria in return for Bulgarian participation in the war.
20th July: Battle of Le Linge begins.
30th July: The Pope sends appeal for peace to belligerent Governments.
1st August: Constantinople Harbour raided by British submarines
3rd August: Armenia evacuated by Russian forces
5th August: Warsaw occupied by German forces.
12th August: First ship sunk by torpedo from British sea plane.
15th August: National Register taken in Great Britain
21st August: Italy declares war on Turkey
25th September: Allied Autumn Offensive begins with the Battle of Loos. The third Battle of Artois and the second Battle of Champagne begin.
30th September: Lord Derby assumes control of recruiting in Britain.
1st October: German forces obtain air advantage on the Western Front
3rd October: First German passenger vessel sunk by British submarine
6th October: King of Greece promises country will remain neutral but mobilises army
8th October: New Greek government announce armed neutrality.
12th October: Edith Cavell, a British nurse who helped Allied soldiers escape from German occupied Belgium is court martialled by the Germans and shot.
13th October: Most severe air ship raid on East Coast of England and London sees around 200 casualties.
14th October: Bulgaria and Serbia declare war on each other.
15th October: Montenegro and Britain declare war on Bulgaria
16th October: France declares war on Bulgaria and British offer Cyprus to Greece in return for support for Serbia.
19th October: Russia and Italy declare war on Bulgaria and Bulgarian forces take land in Serbia.
20th October: Greek government rejects British offer of Cyprus.
2nd November: British Prime Minister Asquith declares Serbian independence to be an essential object of the war.
3rd November: First meeting of the newly constituted War Committee of British Cabinet
4th November: Lord Kitchener leaves England for the Dardanelles
6th November: Second Battle of Champagne ends
10th November: Lord Kitchener arrives at the Dardenelles. Requisitioning Committee formed in Great Britain to requisition ships of carriage of foodstuffs.
11th November: First British advance on Baghdad begins.
17th November: British hospital ship sunk by a mine off the coast of Dover
6th December: British Government begins economic pressure on Greece
12th January: Armistice concluded between Montenegro and Austria
27th January: Britain passes the Military Service Acy imposing conscription on all single men aged 18 to 41 in Wales, England and Scotland. Exemptions are made for men in essential war work, the medically unfit, religious ministers and conscientious objectors.
29th January: Last German airship raid on Paris
31st January: Airship raid on England, the furthest west so far.
21st February: Battle of Verdun begins
23rd February: Minister of Blockade formed in Britain with Lord Robert Cecil appointed the minister in charge.
9th March: Germany declares war on Portugal
15th March: Austria-Hungary declares war on Portugal
1st April: German air advantage on Western Front ends
18th April: US send a note to German government regarding the sinking of a British passenger ship.
20th April: Russian forces arrive in France and a disguised German transport sinks itself while trying to land arms on Irish coast.
24th April: Rebellion begins in Ireland and British Navy begins barrage on Belgian coast.
25th April: Suffolk and Norfolk raided by German battle cruiser squadron
27th April: Martial law proclaimed in Dublin and the county.
1st May: Collapse of Irish rebellion
3rd May: Three Irish rebel leaders executed.
10th May: Agreement signed re the employment of British and German POWs
13th May: Agreement signed for the transfer of British and German wounded and sick prisoners of war to Switzerland
8th June: Second Compulsory Service Act comes into effect in Britain
14th June: Allied Economic Conference reassembles in Paris
1st July: Battles of the Somme and Battle of Albert begin
7th July: David Lloyd George succeeds Lord Kitchener as Secretary of State for War
11th July: Harbour on the coast of Durham shelled by German submarine
14th July: Battle of Bazentin Ridge begins
15th July: Battle of Delville Wood begins
19th July: Battle of Fromelles
23rd July: Battle of Poziéres Ridge begins
27th August: Rumanian Government declares war on Austria Hungary and orders mobilisation
28th August: Germany declares war on Rumania and Italy declares war on Germany.
30th August: Turkey declares war on Rumania
1st September: Bulgaria declares war on Rumania
3rd September: Battle of Guillemont begins
9th September: Battle of Ginchy begins
15th September: Battle of Flers-Coucelette begins and tanks seen in action for the first time.
25th September: Battle of Morval begins
26th September: Battle of Thiepval Ridge begins
1st October: Battle of le Transloy and Battle of the Ancre Heights begin
3rd October: Greek cabinet resigns
24th October: First Offensive Battle of Verdun begins
26th October: First German destroyer raid in Dover
28th October: British hospital ship wrecked by mines
5th November: Germany and Austria proclaim an Independent State of Poland
7th November: Wilson re-elected as President of the United States
13th November: Battle of the Ancre begins
18th November: Battles of the Somme end
28th November: First German daylight aeroplane raid on London by a single plane
4th December: British PM Asquith resigns
7th December: David Lloyd George takes over as British PM
9th December: War Cabinet formed in Britain
11th December: Coalition Ministry formed in Great Britain, Lord Derby appointed Secretarty of State for War, Viscount Grey British Secretary of Foreign Affairs resigned and Arthur Balfour swaps from First Lord of Admiralty to take over from him.
Ministry of Labour also formed.
12th December: Sir Edward Carson succeeds Arthur Balfour as First Lord of the Admiralty.
18th December: President Wilson issues Circular Note suggesting peace negotiations
19th December: British government starts National Service
22nd December: Britain forms Ministry of Food, Ministry of Pensions and Ministry of Shipping.
31st December: Rasputin murdered in Petrograd
3rd January: Sir Douglas Haig promoted to British Field Marshal
19th January: German government attempts to negotiate an alliance with Mexico and Japan against the US.
25th January: Suffolk coast shelled by German destroyers
31st January: German government announces unrestricted submarine warfare and threatens to sink hospital ships
3rd February: US severs diplomatic relations with Germany
25th February: German forces withdraw as part of their campaign to withdraw to the Hindenburg Line
28th February: US press publishes the German proposal for Mexico to ally against the UK
12th March: Russian Revolution begins
14th March: German forces withdraw from the Somme
15th March: Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia abdicates
31st March: Austrian emperor proposes peace to the French President
5th April: German withdrawal to the Hindenburg Line complete
6th April: US declare war on Germany
7th April: Cuba and Panama declare war on Germany
8th April: Austria-Hungary servers diplomatic relations with USA
9th April: Battles of Arras as part of the Allied Artois and Champagne Offensive begins with the Battel of Vimy Ridge and the First Battle of the Scarpe. Russian Provisional Governemnt issues Proclamation to Allied Governments declaring in favour of self determination.
16th April: French Offensive begins with the second Battle of the Aisne
17th April: Battle of the Hills begins
23rd April: Second Battle of the Scarpe begins
28th April: Battle of Aeleux
2nd May: Third Battle of the Scarpe and Battle of Bullecourt begin
7th May: First night air raid on London
7th June: Battle of Messines begins as an Allied offensive in Flanders, it began with the blowing of 19 mines by the British
Army, the biggest of which is no known as the Lone Tree Crater
9th June: Russian provisional government refuses a German proposal for an unlimited armistice
29th June: Russian Summer Offensive begins
7th July: Severe air raid on England focusing on London and Margate with 250 casualities, mostly civilians. It is the last daylight air raid on London.
22nd July: Siam declares war on Germany and Austria-Hungary
25th July: Full inter-Allied Conference assembles in Paris to discuss plans in case of a Russian collapse
28th July: Tank coups formed in British Army
31st July: Battles of Ypres begin with the Battle of Pilckem Ridge
1st August: The pope appeals for peace
4th August: Liberia declares war on Germany
14th August: China declares war on Germany and Austria-Hungary
15th August: Battle of Hill 70 begins
16th August: Battle of Langemarck begins
2nd September: First raid on England by a squadron of airplanes by German forces by night
3rd September: Severe air raid on Kent with 230 casualties, mostly military
4th September: German aeroplanes raid London and submarines bombard Yorkshire coast.
11th September: First lot of repatriated British prisoners arrive back in England
15th September: Russia declared a Republic by their provisional government
20th September: Battle of Menin Road Ridge begins
26th September: Battle of Polygon Wood begins
4th October: Battle of Broodseinde begins. This attack included the Australian and New Zealand armies and achieved its objective in the first day of the battle
9th October: Battle of Poelcapelle begins
12th October: First Battle of Passchendaele begins
15th October: Mata Hari is convicted of being a spy and shot by a French firing squad.
20th October: German forces capture the Baltic Islands
26th October: Brazil declares war on Germany and the second Battle of Passchendaele begins
1st November: Britain establishes the Ministry of National Service
4th November: British troops arrive in Italy
8th November: Lenin and Trotski assume power in Russia
16th November: Clémanceau appointed the French Premier
20th November: Battle of Cambrai begins
21st November: Russian Bolshevik Government begin armistice talks with the Central Powers
2nd December: Suspension of hostilities between the Russian and German armies begins
6th December: Hostilities between Rumania and Central Powers suspended and a truce arranged between Russia, Bulgaria, Central Powers and Turkey.
7th December: United States of America declare war on Austria Hungary and the truce between Russia and the Central Powers becomes official.
8th December: All hostilities on the Easter front suspended.
10th December: Panama declares war on Austria-Hungary
15th December: Armistice signed between Russian Bolshevik Government and Bulgaria, Central Powers and Turkey to begin at noon and end on 14th January 1918.
16th December: Cuba declares war on Austria-Hungary
17th December: British government promises future independence of the Arab people.
22nd December: Secret convention is signed between Germany and the Bolsheviks concerning Poland
2nd January: Air Ministry formed in Britain
14th January: German destroyers bomb Yarmouth
20th January: Naval action outside the Dardanelles takes place
22nd January: Russian Bolshevik Government accuse Central Powers of falsifying documents and suspend negotiations.
30th January: Negotiations between Central Powers and Bolsheviks resumes
6th February: German Government send ultimatum to Rumania demanding peace negotiations within 4 days.
10th February: Trotski announces that the state of war between Russia, Central Powers, Bulgaria and Turkey has ended but that Russia willnot sign a formal peace treaty.
16th February: Dover shelled by German submarine
21st February: Ministry of Information formed in Britain
21st March: First Battles of the Somme or German Operation Michael begins with Battle of St Quentin
23rd March: Paris first shelled by long-range gun
24th March: First Battle of Bapaume begins which sees Bapaume and Péronne taken by German forces
25th March: Battle of Noyon begins, Noyon taken by German forces
27th March: Battle of Arras begins
1st April: Royal Flying Corps and Royal Naval Air Services in Britain amalgamated and established as the Royal Air force
4th April: Battle of the Avre begins
5th April: Batle of the Ancre brings an end to the Battles of the Somme and the German Operation Michael
9th April: Battles of the Lys begins with the Battle of Estaires
10th April: Battle of Messines begins where Messines is taken by German forces.
11th April: German forces take Armentiéres and Merville again.
12th April: Battle of Hazebrouck begins
13th April: Battle of Bailleul begins
16th April: Passchendaele occupied by German forces
17th April: First Battle of Kemmel Ridge begins
18th April: Battle of Béthune begins and an updated Military Services Act comes into force in Britain
19th April: German forces enter Crimea
25th April: Second Battle of Kemmel Ridge begins with Mount Kemmel being stormed by German forces
29th April: The Battle of Scherpenberg brings an end to the Battles of the Lys and German government establishes a military dictatorship in the Ukraine.
8th May: Nicaragua declares war on Germany and on Austria-Hungary
11th May: Finland and Turkey sign a peace treaty.
17th May: Sinn Fein leaders arrested in Ireland and interned
18th May: First British retaliatory air raid on German towns, including Cologne.
19th May: German air raid on British camps and hospitals at Etaples leaving heavy casualties.
23rd May: Costa Rica declares war on Germany
25th May: British government publish account of Irish-German plots
27th May: The third Battle of the Aisne begins
29th May: Austria-Hungary and Finland sign a peace treaty
9th June: Battle of the Matz
4th July: Battle of Le Hamel
12th July: Haiti declares war on Germany
15th July: Second Battle of the Marne
16th July: The Romanov family is murdered at Ekaterinburg
19th July: Honduras declares war on Germany
20th July: German forces retreat across the Marne and the final attempt to attack the British Isles with airplanes takes place.
23rd July: Battle of Soissons begins
6th August: British Government tell Russian people that they have no intention of interfering in Russian politics
8th August: Second Battle of the Somme begins
13th August: The Czecho-Slovaks declare war on Germany and the British government recognise them as allies
17th August: Second Battle of Noyon begins
18th August: British advance in Flanders begins
21st August: Battle of the Somme Phase 2 begins with the Battle of Albert 1918
26th August: Second Battles of Arras begin with the Battle of the Scarpe.
12th September: Battle of St Mihiel begins, the first large scale Allied offensive carried out by Americans on the Western Front. The battles of the Hindenburg Line begins.
15th September: Austrian government send a note to President Wilson suggestion a peace conference and the German Government make a peace offer to Belgium
16th September: President Wilson rejects Austrian suggestion
18th September: Battle of Ephey sees the allied forces advance to the Hindenburg Line
26th September: Allied Meuse-Argonne Offensive begins
27th September: Battle of the Canal du Nord begins
28th September: The Allied Flanders Advance begins with the Battle of the Flanders Peak and the Fifth Battle of Ypres.
29th September: Battle of the St Quentin Canal and Passchendaele retaken by the Allied forces
30th September: Armistice signed between Bulgaria and the Engente Powers, with hostilities ceasing at 12 noon.
2nd October: Battle of Ypres ends.
3rd October: Battle of the Beaurevoir Line begins
4th October: German and Austro-Hungarian government propose an armistice to President Wilson
8th October: Second Battle of Cambrai begins and President Wilson replies to armistice proposal demanding the evacuation of occupied territories first.
14th October: Battle of Courtai begins and Turkish Government propose an armistice to President Wilson
17th October: Battle of the Selle begins
1st November: Battle of Valenciennes begins
4th November: Battle of the Sambre begins
5th November: President Wilson sends final Note to the German Government with Allies’ acceptance of armistice proposals
11th November: Armistice concluded between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany
16th November: Allied Armies begin march into Germany
21st November: Belgian Government reinstated at Brussels
24th November: British and United States troops reach German frontier
28th November: Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates
1st December: British and US troops cross the German frontier
4th December: Demobilisation of the British Army begins
14th December: Armistice on the Western Front prolonged to January 17th 1919 and the Portuguese President assassinated.
15th December: Poland severs diplomatic relations with Germany
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